Tuesday, December 31, 2019

We are Migrating to Bandcamp!

We uploaded a single Masquerade Generation album to Bandcamp, and literally within two days:

1.  We earned more more than we did all of last year with CDBaby
2.  Masquerade Generation was selected for inclusion on a multinational goth compilation from Germany (more info to come)
3.  Darkpage Records of Moscow, Russia contacted us and reached an agreement for distribution in Russia
4.  Huge numbers of listens from individual listeners

This is shockingly more successful than CDBaby.  So, we checked CDBaby, and learned that CDBABY TOOK DOWN ALL OF OUR FREE ALBUMS and is welching on their agreement to make music available at no cost.  CDBaby is attempting to get around the whole "free" deal by requiring you to buy a barcode.  

Also, Bandcamp is much more user-friendly on both the artist and the listener side.  We probably should have realized this 10 years ago, but living on an island in Alaska, you miss out on numerous important trends and technological developments sometimes.

Needless to say, due to this astonishing discrepancy in user experience we will be moving all material from CDBaby to Bandcamp within the coming weeks.  In the meantime, some of the links on our site may take you to empty CDBaby pages for albums for which we have not "bought a bar code." 

Thanks for your patience!

The most recent three Young Vulgarians albums are available at youngvulgarians.bandcamp.com, and Masquerade Generation is at masqueradegeneration.bandcamp.com

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Six New Masquerade Generation Albums Complete and Upcoming

Masquerade Generation has fully completed six albums - five LPs, and an EP (in French) which will be released incrementally in the months which follow.  The first release, Autumn Witch, will be forthcoming prior to the end of the year.

A vampiric successor to Young Vulgarians, Masquerade Generation uses a library of vintage synthesizers to craft sensual, nostalgic post-mortems of forsaken 80s / early 90s goth. Recorded in cultural isolation on an island in Alaska.

For fans of Sisters of Mercy, vintage perfumes, Euroshima, darker Suede, shou puerh tea, Star Trek TNG synths, early White Wolf Publishing, management accounting, etc.

We enjoyed the approach used on the last 3 YV albums - delving deeper into the being of the band/project by creating a series of albums at once, and pushing concepts to their spiritual and philosophical depths - so decided to double that approach and create 6 albums.  Except this approach to guide future releases.

Silvis Record's 50th album - "L" (the roman numeral for 50), is scheduled to appear in 2020 as a compilation.