Saturday, December 5, 2020

"Against the Grave" by Bartram Haugh - Available Earlier than Planned!

We are releasing Bartram Haugh's second album "Against the Grave" a bit earlier than expected due to southeast Alaska's recent massive landslides, flooding, and the announced threat of a nearby dam being breached, resulting in evacuation orders a few blocks away from our HQ.  Carpe diem, friends!

Nostalgic gothic darkwave/coldwave, mixed with Evelyn Waugh and poured into a glass darkly with homemade vermouth before being spilled against aging, dark, wooly sweaters of synthesizers. "Against the Grave" is the second Bartram Haugh ("HAFF") full-length album, released just a month following their initial LP. Imagine Seamus Heaney serving as frontman for the Cure. From Revillagigedo Island, Alaska - watch "The Silver Horde" (1930) for improved geographical context.

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